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Motor third party liability insurance

Vehicle information


Vehicles with the ‘PROOV’ (‘SAMPLE’) registration plate can not be insured in internet. Please call us at 777 1211 or send an e-mail to

Check the vehicle number

I´m not the owner or responsible user of the vehicle, or I don't know vehicle number

Check the e-mail address

Check the phone number

Check the phone number

By noting down your e-mail address and/or phone number you agree that we can contact you for a purpose of a personal consultation or making good insurance offers.

You can get acquainted with the principles of If´s personal data processing from the Privacy Policy.


Check the code



Enter correct vehicle capacity


Enter correct vehicle weight


Enter correct number of seats


Check the e-mail address

Check the phone number

Check the phone number

By noting down your e-mail address and/or phone number you agree that we can contact you for a purpose of a personal consultation or making good insurance offers.

You can get acquainted with the principles of If´s personal data processing from the Privacy Policy.

{{ model.vehicle.brand }} {{ model.vehicle.model }} ({{ model.vehicle.registrationNumber | uppercase }})

Email: {{ }}

Phone number: {{ model.phoneNumber }}

Vehicle responsible user/owner: {{ model.vehicle.ownerCode }}

Vehicle usage: {{ { value: model.vehicle.vehicleUsage, items: vehicleUsageItems } | hkListItem: 'key':'name' }}

Capacity: {{ model.vehicle.capacity }}

Weight: {{ model.vehicle.weight }}

Number of seats: {{ model.vehicle.numberOfSeats }}

Main usage area: {{ { value: model.vehicle.mainUsageArea, items: mainUsageAreaItems } | hkListItem: 'key':'name' }}

Email: {{ }}

Phone number: {{ model.phoneNumber }}

Insurance period

Choose suitable insurance period:
According to the data of the Estonian Road Administration, the register entry of the vehicle has been suspended. Motor third party liability insurance can only be bought up to 30 days.
{{ item.period }} month {{ item.period}} months {{ item.period}} months
{{item.amount | hkCurrency: 'False' }}


Date not valid

Date cannot be in a past

Start date can be a maximum of 182 days in the future.

Earliest available date: {{model.minStartDate | hkDate }}


Date not valid

End date can not be smaller than start date

Policy period can not be longer than 1 year

Policy period cannot be longer than 30 days

{{ model.policyPeriodDays }} day(s)

To calculate the exact price and buy policy go back to the start and enter the vehicle registration number.

Offer valid at the time of price calculation

{{ model.policyPeriodMonths }} month in sum of {{model.premium | hkCurrency: 'False' }}

{{ model.policyPeriodMonths }} months in sum of {{model.premium | hkCurrency: 'False' }}

{{ model.policyPeriodMonths }} months in sum of {{model.premium | hkCurrency: 'False' }}

{{ model.policyPeriodDays }} days in sum of {{model.premium | hkCurrency: 'False' }}

Purchase details

Policyholder is private person Policyholder is commercial client


Check the code



Only latin characters allowed


Only latin characters allowed


Check the e-mail address

E-mail too long, only 70 characters allowed


Check the phone number

Check the phone number

{{ | uppercase }} {{ model.policyHolder.surname | uppercase }}, {{ model.policyHolder.code }}
{{ }}
{{ model.policyHolder.phoneNumber }}
Company representative


Only latin characters allowed


Only latin characters allowed

{{ | uppercase }} {{ model.authorizedPerson.surname | uppercase }}, {{ model.authorizedPerson.code }}

A policy has been issued for this vehicle (insurance period up to {{model.existingPolicyValidTill | hkDate }})


Date not valid

Date cannot be in a past

Start date can be a maximum of 182 days in the future.

Earliest available date: {{model.minStartDate | hkDate }}

to {{model.endDate | hkDate }}


Date not valid

End date can not be smaller than start date

Policy period can not be longer than 1 year

Policy period cannot be longer than 30 days

{{ model.policyPeriodDays }} day(s)
Payment schedule
Nr. Payment deadline Amount
{{ $index + 1 }} {{payment.dueDate | hkDate }} {{payment.amount | hkCurrency: 'False' }}
Price: {{model.premium | hkCurrency: 'False' }}
Your discounts {{ | hkCurrency: 'False' }}

Terms and conditions

I accept terms and conditions:


I agree with the terms of the contract


If Insurance collects and processes data of policyholder, vehicle and persons connected to the vehicle according to the Privacy policy among other things: 1. to assess insurance risk and calculate insurance premium; 2. get information from the Motor registry bureau; 3. manage insurance policies and calculate indemnity; 4. contact policyholder and insured persons, also send personal offers, including renewals.
I agree that choosing to pay with bank card I will not receive invoices by e-mail, they are available in If self-service. If you prefer to receive and pay monthly invoices, pay with internet bank.



Choose payment option and start paying. Coverage will be in force after the payment has been made.

  • Pay with internet bank

    Pay with card

Paid with bill

I agree that If Insurance has the right to debit automatically the insurance premiums for the current insurance period from my bank card.


  • Upon the expiry of the contract, we will send you an offer/invoice for the next period.
  • Our claim partners are characterised by quality work and excellent customer service.
  • 90% of our clients evaluate our claims handling process as ‘good’ or ‘very good’.

Read the product information:

Motor third party liability insurance information document (in Estonian)
Principles of Vehicle Restoration at If's Partners 2025/01 (in Estonian)