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Casco insurance

General information


Vehicles with the ‘PROOV’ (‘SAMPLE’) registration plate can not be insured in internet. Please call us at 777 1211 or send an e-mail to

Check the vehicle number


Check the code

Check the e-mail address

Check the phone number

Check the phone number

By entering your phone number and/or e-mail you consent that If P&C Insurance AS can contact you with purpose to offer individual consultation.
You can get acquainted with the principles of If´s personal data processing from the Privacy Policy.


Check the code


Check the code





Enter correct vehicle capacity


Check the number

You can insure vehicles up to 25-years

Registration year can not be in the future

Check the e-mail address

Check the phone number

Check the phone number

By entering your phone number and/or e-mail you consent that If P&C Insurance AS can contact you with purpose to offer individual consultation.
You can get acquainted with the principles of If´s personal data processing from the Privacy Policy.

Policyholder: {{ model.policyHolder.code }}

{{ model.vehicle.brandName }} {{ model.vehicle.modelName }} ({{ model.vehicle.registrationNumber | uppercase }})

Email: {{ }}

Phone number: {{ model.phoneNumber }}

Policyholder: {{ model.policyHolder.code }}

Vehicle responsible user/owner: {{ model.vehicle.ownerCode }}

Vehicle type: {{ { value: model.vehicle.type, items: vehicleTypeItems } | hkListItem: 'key':'name' }}

Brand: {{ { value: model.vehicle.brand, items: vehicleBrandItems } | hkListItem: 'key':'name' }}

Model: {{ { value: model.vehicle.model, items: vehicleModelItems } | hkListItem: 'key':'name' }}

Capacity: {{ model.vehicle.capacity }}

First year registration: {{ model.vehicle.releaseYear }}

Email: {{ }}

Phone number: {{ model.phoneNumber }}

Insurance coverages

The deductible you have chosen applies to both unexpected damages and theft. Selecting a higher deductible amount will decrease the casco price.

If after the accident your car will be repaired outside of Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia, we will apply 600 Eur deductible.
Bonus: As an If Plus customer you get {{model.policyHolder.level.deductibleReduction | hkCurrency: 'True' }} lower deductible.
Bonus coverages:
  • {{}}
News! Casco insurance now tailored for your electric vehicle:
  • Roadside assistance also in cases if cars' battery runs out.
  • Charging station insured, against theft and damages.
  • 0 € deductible for damages caused by strom.
MTPL price: {{model.cmtplPremium | hkCurrency: 'False' }}
Offer valid at the time of price calculation Offer valid at the time of price calculation
Deductible {{calculateDeductible() | hkCurrency: 'True' }}
You have selected {{ p.title }}
  • {{r.title}} {{model.selectedPackage.items[r.code].text}} {{r.details}}
Bonus coverages:
  • {{}}


Your car is in high theft risk area
Please make sure you comply with following additional security requirements in order your KASKO is valid. If in doubt call us +371 67 338 333

Is your car equipped with additional security system?




You can finish policy purchase without theft risk. To include theft risk contact us and get instructions how to install additional anti-theft device later.

Your car is equipped with {{ model.vehicle.securitySystemText ? model.vehicle.securitySystemText : securitySystemName }}

You car is not equipped with security device, theft risk will be excluded

Photos of vehicle

1. You will receive an e-mail
We will send you an e-mail with the instructions after the purchase.
2. Make photos of your vehicle
Make photos of your vehicle according to the instructions sent by e-mail
3. Send the photos within 3 working days
Send the photos of your vehicle in response to our e-mail.
If we don´t receive the photos within 3 working days, If will have the right to apply triple deductible in the case of a loss event. Triple deductible will not be applied if photos are sent with delay but before the loss event.

We are waiting for the photos of insured vehicle within 3 working days.

Purchase details

Policyholder is private person Policyholder is commercial client


Check the code



Only latin characters allowed


Only latin characters allowed


Check the e-mail address

E-mail too long, only 70 characters allowed


Check the phone number

Check the phone number

{{ | uppercase }} {{ model.policyHolder.surname | uppercase }}, {{ model.policyHolder.code }}
{{ }}
{{ model.policyHolder.phoneNumber }}
Company representative


Only latin characters allowed


Only latin characters allowed

{{ | uppercase }} {{ model.authorizedPerson.surname | uppercase }}, {{ model.authorizedPerson.code }}
A policy has been issued for this vehicle (insurance period up to {{model.existingPolicyValidTill | hkDate }})
Policy details
to {{model.endDate | hkDate }}


Date not valid

Earliest available date: 28.03.2025

Start date can not be bigger than 23.05.2025

Damage description



Payment schedule
Nr. Payment deadline Amount
{{ $index + 1 }} {{payment.dueDate | hkDate }} {{payment.amount | hkCurrency: 'False' }}

Terms and conditions

I accept terms and conditions:


I agree with the terms and conditions of taking photos of the vehicle, incl. submit photos within three working days according to the terms and conditions when If asks me to submit photos of the insured vehicle. We will contact you ourselves when If needs photos of your vehicle. If you fail to send the photos, If will have the right to implement triple deductible in the case of a loss event.


I confirm that vehicle is not used as rental car, taxi, for driving practice, emergency or for providing security service.


If Insurance collects and processes data of policyholder, vehicle and persons connected to the vehicle according to the Privacy policy among other things: 1. to assess insurance risk and calculate insurance premium; 2. get information from the Motor registry bureau; 3. manage insurance policies and calculate indemnity; 4. contact policyholder and insured persons, also send personal offers, including renewals.
I agree that choosing to pay in 12 installments (monthly payments), I can only pay by bank card. If insurance does not send invoices by e-mail, they are visible in If self-service. If you prefer another payment method, please change payment schedule above.



Choose payment option and start paying. Coverage will be in force after the payment has been made.

  • Pay with internet bank

    Pay with card

Paid with bill

I agree that If Insurance has the right to debit automatically the insurance premiums for the current insurance period from my bank card.

If helps a lot

  • Roadside assistant 24/7
  • Items in the locked car are covered
  • Loss of keys is covered with 0 deductible

Read terms and conditions: 

Vehicle insurance conditions

General insurance conditions

Vehicle insurance product information document (in Estonian)

Principles of Vehicle Restoration at If's Partners (in Estonian)